
Called To Wander

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The Longest Commute To Work | Why A 4,000-Mile Road Trip to/from Work Is Necessary

Greetings! When Lindsay and I were struggling with which decision to make at the beginning of June, it occurred to us that the Black Hills of South Dakota are an incredibly special place. Historically, they were (are) considered sacred by Native American tribes and we’ve learned there is still an undercurrent of activity to try and restore them as such. If you spend any time out here, you will quickly understand why they are so special. Sure, they lack the majesty of 14,000-foot peaks of the...

Hello Friend, Lindsay and I were driving back from a medical appointment the other day when Pink Floyd’s “Money” passed through our playlist. We typically skip this song and other Pink Floyd songs as they tend to evoke a part of my past that I rarely relate to these days. But as the base guitar laid down the catchy beat and the cash register chimed the unique intro, I looked over at Lindsay and we both agreed with a smile and nod to let the song play this time. Our appointment was in Rapid...

Hola! (Please note, this is another Baja-specific email. If you joined our mailing list for non-Baja-specific content, please know that what we are trying to do in Baja is at the heart of who we are and we hope you’ll stick it out with us!) As we continue to roll out the details of the first edition of our “Wander to Baja” RV meetup event in La Paz February 19-23, 2024 we want to introduce you to what we believe will be a truly unique and transformative way for you to experience more during...

Hello friend! Sadly, we've (temporarily!) dropped "hola" from our vocabulary over the past 6 weeks since leaving Baja. But that doesn't keep us from thinking about the beauty of its people, landscapes and wildlife on a regular basis. A lot has happened for us since we left. We made a quick trip to Los Angeles for a custom install of a very important RV essential and to build a relationship with a really great RV brand that we'll share more about in a future update! From Los Angeles we made...